Start up

Our current products include MDCL Streamline (diabetes hospital clinic application) and our Diabetes Retinopathy Artificial Intelligence analysis model. We can deliver both standalone windows desktop applications and full stack browser based solutions for hospital clinics such as diabetes in bespoke or reconfigurable formats.

Our primary goal is to provide data analytics for the healthcare sector in the form of SaMD and to ultimately deliver a predictive analytics product that will enable healthcare professionals to act preventatively before minor illness become seriosserious.

A major endeavour of our company is to build the cornerstone applications that will empower and facilitate patients to better manage and improve their conditions.

We have jointly presented a poster at the Irish Endocrine Society 2019 and more recently published a diabetes retinopathy poster in conjunction with the nimbus research center.

The ROSIA-PCP project very much aligns with the progress we wish achieve and that path to progression we wish to fulfil as a company.

Our primary focus is medical data management, analysis, usage and storage. We have expertise in diabetes clinic management, integration, machine learning and user experience design.

Our CMO, Fíona O’Ciobhaín, has over 18 years’ experience in the patient rehabilitation sector and we are now focussing on end user testing specifically in the area of people with disabilities and patients currently in rehabilitation programs.


  • In the context of this collaborative project, we are looking toward solutions providers like ourselves and especially those that have delivered Software as a Medical Device (SaMD) solutions.
  • As a micro company MDCL, we are hoping to find a larger company with a similar corporate value system with whom we can align to form a consortium to deliver a tele rehabilitation solution that offers real benefits to the end users.

Organization  details:

Organization type:

Medical devices & apps

Oranization size:

Micro (<10 employees and < €2 m tumover)

Headquartes country:




Contact person

Jonathan Delaney


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