ROSIA-PCP release a tender for companies interested in participating in the development of solutions for Remote RehabilitatiOn Service for Isolated Areas, will deliver a comprehensive service to patients in need of rehabilitation, enabled by cutting-edge technology, new care pathways and community support.
During the call for tender phase, the ROSIA consortium will answer questions by tenderers through the Spanish public procurement platform, in order to support companies and ease their participation in the PCP process.
The deadline for submission of tenders is 13:00 (CEST) on 30 June 2022.
ROSIA's Call for Tenders Process
Download the tenders documents
Prepare your joint tender
agreement and call-off contracts in the name and on behalf of the group (consortium)
This PCP is being managed using the Spanish public procurement platform (PLACSP). It’s free to use and free to register as an Economic Operator. All documentation related to this request for tenders is freely available to any registered economic operator that records their interest in the contract notice.
Submit your tender
Tenders must be submitted using the Spanish public procurement platform (PLACSP). The tenderer is encouraged to familiarise itself with the Platform in advance of the submission
The deadline for submission of tenders is 13:00 (CEST) on 30 June 2022.
eTender Service Guides
Guides -in english and spanish- to facilitate the preparation and submission of bids are publicly available in the Spanish public procurement platform (PLACSP). They contain detailed instructions on how to register, express interest, create and answer messages and clarification requests, and prepare, sign and submit the offers through the platform. Tenderers are encouraged to carefully read the guides before submitting their bids.
PDF Economic Operator Guide - ENGLISH ??
PDF Guia Operador Economico - SPANISH??
Questions and Clarifications
The questions and clarifications related to the call for tender must be submitted through the messages section of the Spanish public procurement platform (PLACSP). Any question received after the deadline will not be answered.
NEW! Q&As Received
You may ? ??download all questions and answers received about the tender.
Tender Clarifications
IT problems related to the Spanish Public Procurement Platform (PLACSP)
· Email:
· Helpdesk office hours are from 08:00 to 19:00 CET (Monday to Friday)
An Explanatory workshop on ROSIA’s call for tender will be organised at the beginning of May to clarify any doubts that may have arisen regarding the documentation bidders have to prepare for the tender.
Latest info: It will take place on May 9 at 10:00 (CEST).
Matchmaking Tool
Have a look to check if they complement your profile and get in touch with them using the given contact details. If you want to appear on the list, register by filling the Matchmaking Form.