Description of ROSIA-PCP tender documents and link to download them directly from the Spanish public procurement platform (PLACSP)

The following information is merely descriptive of the three envelopes/folders (administrative, technical and financial) and the forms required in each of them. Official tender documents are available for download only from the Spanish public procurement platform (PLACSP)

The deadline for submission of tenders is 13:00 (CEST) on 30 June 2022.


TD 1

Request for Tender

Information about the overall the PCP process


TD 2

Challenge Brief

Information about the challenge description, use cases, requirements, technological aspects,…

Administrative Envelope/Folder


TD 3

Tender Forms

Information and instructions about forms and documentation to be submitted to the platform.

Form 1

Exclusion Criteria.


Form 2

Conflict of interest.


Form 3

Selection Criteria.

    1.  Ability to perform R&D up (pdf).
    2.  Ability to commercialise (pdf).
    3.  Expertise and working experience of the team (pdf).
    4.  Risk management plan (pdf).
    5.  Level of insurance (pdf).

Form 4

On-Off Criteria.


Form 5

Financial Identification.


TD 4

Framework agreement

To be signed by the lead procurer on behalf of the buyers Group.

TD 5

Specific contracts template

This agreement is a Specific Contract executed and performed under the Framework Agreement concluded between the Buyers Group, the ROSIA PCP Consortium and the Contractor.

TD 6



Annex 1

Subcontractor information and subcontractor declaration, if any, to be included in Admnistrative Envelope.


Annex 2

Lead Tenderer power of attorney. Must be signed by all members of the consortium and included in the Administrative Envelope.

Technical Envelope/Folder


TD 3

Tender Forms

Information and instructions about forms and documentation to be submitted to the platform.

Instructions in TD3 Tender Forms

Technical Offer

  1. Technical plan  (pdf).
  2. Business and commercialisation plan (pdf).

Financial Envelope/Folder


TD 3

Tender Forms


Form 7

  1. Financial offer and cost breakdown (xls).
  2. Financial offer and cost breakdown (pdf).


ROSIA Tender documents must be dowloaded directly from the Spanish Public Procurement Platform. Thanks!


V 1.0 March  31    2022 Original Tender Documents.
Invitation to Explanatory Workshop April 29       2022 Explanatory Workshop on ROSIA’s call for tender.pdf
Q&A about the Cal For Tender June 24 2022

Collected Q&As  received since the Call For Tender  announcement 


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