Mc Comrmick Northburgh
McCormick Northburgh has conducted several focus groups with a ‘looks like, feels like’ prototype and has received overwhelmingly positive feedback. This project involves a physical product for individuals with weak hand grip, limited dexterity and disabilities that affect hand function (stroke, MS, TBI etc.).
There are 2 aspects to McCormick Northburgh the device:
1) rehabilitation,
2) self management of their condition at home for food preparation.
We want partners to compliment our team and help develop the concept, considering human factors and the usability of the device in order to develop the device.
Product Design, Mechanical Design, Manufacturing, Design for Manufacture, Medical Devices, Physical Products.
- Textile Material Selection, Polymer Material Selection, Rapid Prototyping, Concept Development, Human Factors.
PDF Presentation
Organization details:
Organization type:
Medical devices & apps
Oranization size:
micro (<10 employees and < €2 m tumover)
Headquartes country:
(website under construction)
Contact person
Eimar McCormick