What is an Open Market Consultation?

Apr 20, 2021 | NEWS

FAQ Open Market Consultation European project

Official launch of ROSIA, “Remote rehabilitation service for isolated areas “, a project funded from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101017606, coordinated by IACS

What is an Open Market Consultation?

As part of the preparation for an innovation driven procurement action, the market consultation market consultation  involves the proactive analysis of technology offer and provides a pre-information to the market in order to give a congruous time for the preparation of fit-for-purpose proposals. The ROSIA prior information notice (PIN) sets out the procurement process and provides potential suppliers with as much information as possible ahead of the open market consultation meetings.


ROSIA open market consultation has these following goals:

  • find out whether technologies are commercially available and acquire information about the advantage and disadvantages and the level of coverage of the desired functionalities, in order to confirm the assumption for PCP;
  • enable and increase the opportunities for industry to form fit-for-purpose consortia;
  • identify market risks potentially able to endanger business goals and supplier performance.
  • The market consultation sessions were conceived and organized with regard to the principles of openness, transparency, non-discrimination and equal treatment, in line with European procurement law. The market consultation Will be conducted in the form of open and oral consultations (bilateral, interactive and open workshops). A written contribution (e.g., in the form of a questionnaire aimed to collect market information on innovative and commercialized solution) could be provided by the participants, to form the basis for more in-depth analysis and assure the confidentiality on the information and solutions described.


Why OMC?

Open Market Consultation is an essential part of PCP for several reasons:

  • Encourages value-adding dialogue among stakeholders
  • Creates awareness and knowledge about the project among relevant bidders
  • Allows the consortium to gain better insights on the market such as existing patients needs or state-of-the-art technology and future developments
  • Ultimately improves the PCP sustainability as the procurement preparation is enriched with stakeholders feedback.

What is an Open Market Consultation?

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