Solution developed over 17 years and underpinned by award winning AI research and development, NeuroCONCISE ’s FlexEEG™ (patent pending) product provides a unique pairing of unobtrusive, high-precision, wearable electronics in a slim, low-profile flexible case that can be embedded and concealed in any stylish headwear and seamlessly connected with our AI-enabled software and the cloud for brain-computer interfacing (BCI), neurofeedback, brain monitoring, medical and neuroscience research, recreation, gaming and sport, among others.
Strategic partnership with Ulster University provides a continual stream of new R&D, IP, and talent. CLINICALLY PROVEN Trials with 17 public and NHS hospitals across UK and Ireland is proving NeuroCONCISE technology is successful for its first target medical condition, disorders of consciousness and locked-in-syndrome.
Trials are ongoing/planned for neurotech based stroke rehab, neuropathic pain and PTSD treatment in partnership with leading researchers in these areas. We also deliver are platform (hardware/software/APIs) to other researchers, developers and businesses.
- NeuroCONCISE is interested in partnering opportunities that require the delivery of EEG-based telerehabilitation devices that actively target engagement of brain function and networks and have been proven to enhance rehabilitation outcomes.
- Delivering EEG and stimulation-based solutions for cognitive and physical rehabilitation. Gamified engagement involving EEG-based brain-computer interfaces, neurofeedback, and stimulation (visual, audible, vibrotactile, electric, magnetic) will engage users and deliver results. NeuroCONCISE’s platform is easily accessible for independent home-use by patients and makes it easy to track, monitor, and improve the progress of users, remotely.
PDF Presentation
Organization details:
Medical devices & apps
Oranization size:
Micro (< 10 employees and < €2 m turnover)
Headquartes country:
Contact person
Damien Coyle