Instituto de Biomecánica

Technological Center

Instituto de Biomecánica (IBV) is a technological centre with a huge experinece in developing and deploying healthcare technology and medical devices related to the evaluation and treatment of the most prevalent locomotor and musculoskeletal impairments. IBV is a reference centre in the field of functional assessment, having developed their own metodologies and technologies to evaluate in an objective manner, the performance of daily life activities as indirect way to assess patient’s global health status.

Instituto de Biomecánica is a non-profit Research and Technological Organization (RTO), originated in the UPV in 1976, with a clear vocation to improve the competitiveness of companies and industrial sectors by addressing people’s quality of life. IBV combines different scientific and technological knowledge around 5 different areas: DIGITAL ANTHROPOMETRY BIOMECHANICS OF HUMAN BODY SYSTEMS HUMAN FACTORS HUMAN FUNCTIONS HUMAN NEEDS AND PREFERENCES.


  • Industrial partners, technology integrators.

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Organization  details:


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Oranization size:

Medium (<250 employees and < €50 turnover)

Headquartes country:




Contact person

José David Garrido Jaén


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