App&Town – Mass Factory Urban Accessible Mobility, S.L.

Start up

We develop systems to improve the mobility, quality of life and social inclusion of all citizens. Technology applied to social welfare.  Brief Description: App&Town H-Monitor is a Personal Health System monitoring biometric indicators and mobility parameters for Senior Citizens. it comprises: Wearable device, Mobile App, Beacons, Big Data and AI algorithms.

Their main functionalities are: Wearable: it provides biometric indicators. App: it gathers and monitors biometric indicators, mobility parameters and overall activity. Big Data: it stores and standardizes all collected data. AI Algorithms: it detects and prevents loneliness and isolation, promoting safe and healthy habits and exercise.

System also provides information to the Healthcare System. What is the main motivation? Longevity is one of the biggest achievements of modern societies. By 2020, a quarter of Europeans will be over 60 years of age. Combined with low birth rates, this will bring about significant changes to the structure of European society. In this regard, population ageing has profound implications for the planning and delivery of health and social care. EU spending on medical care is currently growing faster than GDP.

According to the 2015 Ageing Report, the total ageing costs in the euro area are projected to increase by 1.5% of GDP, from 26.8% in 2013 to 28.3% in 2060. What is the problem tackled? Despite the life expectancy rise, quality of life in these latest years may be poorer due to frailty.

While frailty increases, average amount of health spending increases in a range from 1,500 to 5,000 €/person year. But frailty does not occur in silos; it comes with loneliness. Older people who experience loneliness are at increased risk of becoming physically frail. Ageing, frailty, and loneliness constitute overlapping conditions submitted to multiple health and care interventions.

Frailty can be considered a malleable and manageable condition, therefore, there may be opportunities to halt, reverse, manage and/or prevent its adverse consequences and worsening. Service Description: It is the unique System providing a solution for the two worst problems for Senior Citizens, frailty, and loneliness.

On one hand, the Wearable device allows the continuous monitoring of biometric indicators, i.e., the continuous assessment of health changes based on each person’s individual activity patterns and baseline health conditions. Identifying and assessing problems early provides a window of opportunity for interventions to alleviate problems before they become catastrophic and require hospital or nursing home care.

On the other hand, Beacons, Wearable and Smartphone allow to control the activity of the user, both indoor and outdoor. System monitors the time while staying at home, out of home and spent in recommended premises/activities. It also provides support to reach destination in case of disorientation or getting lost and to get in situ assistance if required.

Finally, it also avoids going out of secure areas or going to non-recommended locations. Who is the beneficiary, the user, and the client? Beneficiary is the entire Society. App&Town H-Monitor makes possible not only a longer life but a better quality of life while Healthcare Costs are kept low. Users are Senior Citizens.

Clients are Healthcare Systems and Insurers. Who suffers the most? This is a Global Problem. Suffering is non-exclusive of the targeted collective, Senior Citizens, but also of their families and the whole Society. How will be the sector in 2 years’ time? Healthcare is in the midst of a transformation into a patient-centric, consumer-led model from traditional medicine where, when a person seeks medical help, the doctor is the only source of information and makes decisions based on a fragmented medical history or medical records.

This method of care seeking, and delivery is inefficient and costly. Consumer-led healthcare over the next few years will change patient care pathways, driving the industry to grow and collaborate in new ways, both with patients around their own health and with partners and innovators.

Wearables will primarily support people living healthy lives, and then diagnostic and therapeutic abilities will follow. In 2018, the wearable technology industry was worth approximately 20 000 million euros, according to an amalgamation of industry estimates.

Many forecasters expect this to double to 50 000 million euros by 2023. To a certain degree, the wearable technology industry is likely to follow Say’s Law of Markets, whereby supply creates its own demand.

Increasingly capable, connected, and affordable wearable technologies will infiltrate across populations, with more people owning and utilizing wearables for health purposes. In turn, this will spawn new use cases across the healthcare ecosystem to general health and well-being in the predictive medicine sphere.

The industry is expected to grow at a double-digit CAGR until 2023. Connected devices will increase as factory automation accelerates, where the prices will continue to fall, while the availability of open-source frameworks will increase, enabling faster and more cost-effective solutions.


  • Social-community, services related to tele-rehabilitation and Research Centers.Expectations:

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Organization  details:


Medical devices & apps

Oranization size:

Micro (<10 employees and < €2 turnover)

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Contact person

Faustino Cuadrado


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