The Open Market Consultation (OMC) aims at actively approaching the market to find out about the state of the art, as well as about future developments.
Successful procurement requires involving the technology companies and consortia from early on. This is achieved by a series of OMC events followed by a questionnaire open to suppliers and potential future procurers of the solution to refine the tender specifications for ROSIA project,

Please fill in the following form selecting which OMC event are you interested in (Spain, Portugal, Ireland or the International). Due to the COVID-19 situation, all of them will be conducted online. We will reach out to you with final dates, information and instructions to connect.

OMC Event Registration Form.


15 + 1 =


10:00 – 10:45  Procurer.


All about ROSIA-PCP Project.

5 minutes break

10:50 – 11:55  Listening to ICTs.

5 minutes – Elevator Pitch – ICTs.

      Who we are?

      What we do?

      Why our solution fits in ROSIA?

5 minutes break

12:00 – 12:30  Questions & Answers.

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