Press Release OMC Informative Events

Press Release OMC Informative Events

Press Release OMC Informative Events

Press Release OMC Informative Events

Press Release OMC Informative Events

More than 40 companies express interest in participating in the design of a telerehabilitation system for remote areas in Europe

 Project ROSIA’s procurement will be channelled through a Pre-Commercial Instrument (PCP) and will invest 9 million

 ROSIA will enable, from 12 July to 3 September, an online tool to help organisations find potential partnerships in meeting the tender


Zaragoza, July 7 2021 .- A total of 42 companies have expressed interest in participating in the design of the telerehabilitation services Europe wants to set up for remote or sparsely populated areas; organisations involved in patient care platforms, tele-rehabilitation services, virtual reality, sensors and monitoring software, have presented their solutions at some of the four information events that ROSIA has organised during the month of June.

These organisations have been the first to showcase their solutions for a system that is expected to revolutionise healthcare in areas where low population density and the advanced age of residents mean it is very difficult to offer a face-to-face rehabilitation services.

ROSIA’s informative events are a preparatory step for the tender it will be launching spring 2022, co-funded by the European Commission’s H2020 programme, and where € 3.9 million will be invested. The events have been useful in identifying the technologies that are being developed in the market, and have allowed their promoters to form alliances that will help them meet the requirements of next year’s tender.

ROSIA is working on tools to help the various interested organisations design their proposals. To this end, the preliminary market consultation will be launched 12 July, and from then until 3 September, interested organisations will be able to access information on the requirements of the tender as well as an online tool that helps in the search for potential partners.  All of this information and more will be available on ROSIA’s website: ROSIA’s website

The aim is to involve organisations developing applications and devices that can become part of ROSIA’s catalog of telerehabilitation services, as well as organisations that provide open platforms to enable the connection of these applications. ROSIA is also interested in projects specialising in the management of socio-community services related to telerehabilitation or that have experience in monitoring and motivating patients.


 Three public procurers form ROSIA’s buyers’ group: Servicio Aragonés de Salud (Spain), National Rehabilitation Hospital (Ireland) and the Centro Hospitalar e Universitário de Coimbra (Portugal). They plan to acquire, through a Public Procurement of Innovation instrument (PPI), the design of the future’s tele-rehabilitation services for remote areas.

The project focuses on the development of an  intelligent platform for tele-rehabilitation services  designed for patients in remote areas. Applications and devices from ROSIA’s Catalogue will be connected to this platform, allowing community supported and supervised self-care  services to be integrated into patients’ care plans. ROSIA’s value-based model of integrated care can also open the door to rethinking new business models and incentives for providers, improve equity in access to rehabilitation resources and contribute to improving the sustainability of these services.

ROSIA is a project funded by the European research and development programme Horizon2020 under GA 101017606.

Press Release OMC Informative Events

Rosia letter of interest: Invitation to ROSIA OMC Information Events

Rosia letter of interest: Invitation to ROSIA OMC Information Events

Rosia letter of interest: Invitation to ROSIA OMC Information Events

ROSIA letter of interest explaining the project at a glance, the Open Market Consultation information events scheduled and details. ROSIA-PCP FAQ European Project

Registration to Information events is open

Dear Sir/Madam,

Rosia letter of interest

We are glad to inform you that Departamento de Sanidad de Aragón (Spain), National Rehabilitation University Hospital (Ireland) and Centro Hospitalar e Universitário de Coimbra (Portugal) are part of the European project ROSIA. The project aims to design future rehabilitation services for remote rural areas, making sure those who live in the least populated areas, furthest from cities, have access to intelligent telerehabilitation services. These designs will take advantage of new technologies. They will integrate social and health services. They will even integrate whatever community resources are available in patients’ villages and towns. But they will be prescribed and supervised by rehabilitation specialists in central healthcare facilities.

We hope that the platform we offer to support the project will validate these new telerehabilitation devices and technologies, so that health professionals may place their trust in them and can include them in their prescriptions.

What do we mean by telerehabilitation?
Today, telerehabilitation is at risk of being dismissed as mere consultations via webcam, but we want to make sure it integrates artificial intelligence, augmented reality, gamified exercises (or video game workouts): anything that will foster remote care and self-care.

How do we kick-start it?
We use a PPI, a public procurement of innovative solutions, an instrument to convoke intelligent solutions to problems citizens face; solutions that the market does not currently provide. It has been used in Europe for a few years now, and it is also sometimes known as pre-commercial procurement.

In a PCP, the state is involved in the co-creation process, together with private bidders, and in competition with them. The process will inspire a good number of new solutions and prototypes and the most interesting among them are going to be implemented and tested with live subjects in those European regions participating in ROSIA (Portugal, Ireland and Spain).

With all this, we hope to accomplish a triple victory: Patients, Healthcare and Entrepreneurship. Patients in rural areas will be empowered; they will be able to work through their rehabilitation programs from home. The healthcare system will be empowered; it will be able to meet its patients’ needs without requiring them to travel long distances. And the European business community will be empowered; it will have a chance to invest in new ideas and, above all, to find a way to market them.

What kinds of solutions are we looking for?
We are thinking of disruptive technologies in the field of rehabilitation incorporating virtual reality, depth cameras, sensors, artificial intelligence, etc. But there are also solutions related to integration of social and health services, municipal in most cases, with community resources. A fitness hour in the municipal sports centre, for instance, or a swimming class at the local pool may be included in a patient’s rehabilitation file and followed up by the rehabilitation specialist at the central healthcare facility. Still other solutions may be more closely related to motivating the individual to carry out prescribed exercises and programs at home.

What kinds of companies are we looking for?

    • Companies developing technological solutions that could be useful in telerehabilitation.
    • Companies that provide open platforms able to support these kinds of services.
    • Companies that manage community services related to telerehabilitation.
    • Companies that monitor engagement and motivation.

How can you get involved in this first phase of the project?
Both to broadcast the opportunities ROSIA offers as a project, and to get to understand the market’s attitudes towards it, ROSIA partners are setting up an Open Market Consultation (OMC), where companies interested in contributing solutions to the project will be given a chance to present their ideas.

The OMC is going to be launched 12 July and four online events, organised, respectively, by the buyers in this project (Salud Aragón, National Rehabilitation Hospital of Ireland, and Centro Hospitalar Universitário de Coimbra).

Registration for speakers closes five days before launch day, and can be done following this link.

Once you register, you will receive all the information you need regarding setting up your presentation (depending on the number of presenters, speakers will have between 5 and 10 minutes for their presentation). All events will take place on the second half of June.

Although we are happy to listen to individual presentations from all interested companies, it is important to remember that in the future tender, ROSIA will be looking for integral solutions, so it might be very interesting to get to know other companies who also work in the context of this project.
We would like to underline that participation in the OMC does not affect the tendering process.
Click to find more information on the OMC 

Kind Regards,


Procedure for Unsolicited Offers

Procedure for Unsolicited Offers

Procedure for Unsolicited Offers

Procedure for Unsolicited Offers

Since the beginning of project ROSIA, several economic operators have contacted ROSIA’s partners to present unsolicited offers to the Consortium .

Procedure for unsolicited Offers to the Consortium

Since the beginning of project ROSIA , several economic operators have contacted ROSIA’s partners to present unsolicited offers to the Consortium.

The objective of this procedure is protocoling how these unsolicited offers can be presented within the Consortium, within the phase of analysis of the state of the art, guaranteeing that all offers that could be interesting for the project are analysed without prejudice to the principles governing public procurement.

During the preparatory phase of the tender there are two fundamental stages in which to gather information about the market:

Analysis of State of the Art:
The aim of this task is to analyse and review the progress on the State of the Art (SOTA) in the main areas relevant for ROSIA with the main objectives of feeding into project ROSIA ensuring solutions remain ground‐breaking, facilitating the building up of the common challenge, and identifying potential players for development of the critical mass.

Market development and engagement:
These activities have two main objectives: first, engage potential applicants to participate in ROSIA’s challenge, participating in the co‐creation of ROSIA’s model through the OMC activities, and to submit bids for ROSIA`s PCP challenge; second, allow ROSIA’s partners to review and refine ROSIA’s model with the market insight.

So this is the crucial moment for interaction with companies, through a procedure governed by the conditions established in articles 40 and 41 of directive 24/2014 Directive 2014/24/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 26 February 2014 on public procurement.

We have defined a procedure of interaction with economic operators until the publication of the OMC that contributes to the identification of potential players that SOTA (State of the Art) is carrying out, respecting the principles that govern public procurement.

What is the Procedure:

  1. This procedure will be published in ROSIA’s website. A web form will be designed for the economic operators to complete, identifying the company’s name, their solution and their contact information. They could upload any information they consider of interest for the Consortium.
  2. This web form and the possibility of uploading documentation will be available until the OMC is launched.
  3. It is mandatory that economic operators understand that
    • a) The competitive phase of the public procurement procedure is conducted at the tender, where all potential bidders will be treated equally.
    • b) Before the tender, an OMC will be held in which the public procurer will pro-actively communicate its needs, requirements and its planned procurement set-up to all participants and economic operators will be able to present their solutions to the Consortium. The participation of potential bidders in the OMC must not affect competition in the future tender procedure.
    • c) Until the OMC is launched, the Consortium has established this procedure to broaden the knowledge of prospective players in for development of the critical mass in the State-of-The-Art analysis. These interaction activities must not affect competition in the future tender procedure.

This statement should be written in the acceptance of any request to show a solution by economic operators to economic operators.

4. All documentation received will be analysed by the Consortium and included in SOTA Analysis, if relevant.  Documentation will be shared internally with all ROSIA’s partners.


What is our PIN?

What is our PIN?

What is our PIN? In the public sector a Prior Information Notice (PIN) is used to pre-inform suppliers about the planned procurement and to invite them to open market consultation, in order to involve suppliers, from throughout the EU and associated countries of Horizon 2020 programme, to compete and win contracts to deliver R&D of a technology that will meet the requirements. PIN is published at the Official journal of the European Union (OJEU)

The PIN sets out the procurement process and provides potential suppliers with as much information as possible ahead of the planned pre-commercial procurement and of the open market consultation (OMC): date, process…

ROSIA Prior Information Notice (PIN) will be soon published at the OJEU. The PIN will describe how the market consultation sessions are conceived and organized with due regard to the principles of openness, transparency, non-discrimination and equal treatment, in line with European procurement law.

Updated information 

See ROSIA Prior Information on TED published on May 10th

See ROSIA PIN Corrigendum on TED published on May 28th

What is our PIN?


What is an Open Market Consultation?

What is an Open Market Consultation?

What is an Open Market Consultation?

FAQ Open Market Consultation European project

Official launch of ROSIA, “Remote rehabilitation service for isolated areas “, a project funded from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101017606, coordinated by IACS

What is an Open Market Consultation?

As part of the preparation for an innovation driven procurement action, the market consultation market consultation  involves the proactive analysis of technology offer and provides a pre-information to the market in order to give a congruous time for the preparation of fit-for-purpose proposals. The ROSIA prior information notice (PIN) sets out the procurement process and provides potential suppliers with as much information as possible ahead of the open market consultation meetings.


ROSIA open market consultation has these following goals:

  • find out whether technologies are commercially available and acquire information about the advantage and disadvantages and the level of coverage of the desired functionalities, in order to confirm the assumption for PCP;
  • enable and increase the opportunities for industry to form fit-for-purpose consortia;
  • identify market risks potentially able to endanger business goals and supplier performance.
  • The market consultation sessions were conceived and organized with regard to the principles of openness, transparency, non-discrimination and equal treatment, in line with European procurement law. The market consultation Will be conducted in the form of open and oral consultations (bilateral, interactive and open workshops). A written contribution (e.g., in the form of a questionnaire aimed to collect market information on innovative and commercialized solution) could be provided by the participants, to form the basis for more in-depth analysis and assure the confidentiality on the information and solutions described.


Why OMC?

Open Market Consultation is an essential part of PCP for several reasons:

  • Encourages value-adding dialogue among stakeholders
  • Creates awareness and knowledge about the project among relevant bidders
  • Allows the consortium to gain better insights on the market such as existing patients needs or state-of-the-art technology and future developments
  • Ultimately improves the PCP sustainability as the procurement preparation is enriched with stakeholders feedback.

What is an Open Market Consultation?

PCP Execution Phases

PCP Execution Phases

PCP Execution Phases

PCP Execution Phases

The ROSIA PCP will implement an effective and efficient methodological approach to ensure the successful preparation and conduction of the pre-commercial procurement and to lay the foundations for large-scale procurement of the fully developed ROSIA solutions after the duration of the PCP.

PCP Execution Phases

Pre-commercial procurement (PCP) is the procurement of research and development of new innovative solutions before they are commercially available. PCP involves different suppliers competing through different phases of development. The risks and benefits are shared between the procurers and the suppliers under market conditions. PCP Execution Phases

Public procurers involved in the ROSIA project have the common goal to deliver disruptive solutions to support effective implementation of scalable and cost-effective telerehabilitation solutions for people living in rural areas requiring long-term and tailored rehabilitation treatments, throughout the implementation of a Pre-Commercial Procurement scheme (PCP). The project will make progress towards this aim by stimulating the demand and creating a robust framework for practical PCP outcomes within the project duration. This will also promote innovation in Europe, via demand through the PCP, which has, so far, been an under-utilized tool.

The ROSIA PCP process will start with an extensive preparation stage and is followed by the execution stage organized in three development phases. The preparation stage (PHASE 0) includes the Prior information Notice Publication (PIN) and the Open Market Consultation (OMC).

The execution stage will consist of: a joint PCP procurement process and the implementation, in three phases, of the PCP contracts under the supervision of the buyers’ group, ensuring execution of the R&D services by the providers according to the action plan, implementation, and requirements defined in the preparation stage.

  • PHASE 1 Solution design will develop the feasibility study of selected solutions from awarded bidders. Duration: 3 months
  • PHASE 2 Prototyping development of most promising solutions from PHASE 1. Duration: 8 months
  • PHASE 3 Pre-commercial small scale solution deployment – Field test. Validation of best prototyped solutions in real life scenario at each procurer site. Duration: 18 months.

PCP Execution Phases

Welcome to ROSIA Website

Welcome to ROSIA Website

Welcome to ROSIA Website

Welcome to ROSIA Website

ROSIA Website, “Remote rehabilitation service for isolated areas “, a project funded from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101017606

Welcome to ROSIA website

Our goal was to create an informative, welcoming, and user-friendly platform to move ROSIA EU funded project forward. The website features a consistent and intuitive design to make navigation and finding relevant information simple. 

The website is mobile responsive, making it easy to use on all browsers and portable devices.

Going forward we will continue to update the website with current news, events, publications, and relevant resources for shareholders, ICTs, providers, and community partners.

This is a live website and it will grow with the project. Thanks for visiting and suscribing .

Reach ROSIA oficial project information at CORDIS

Welcome to ROSIA website

Remote Rehabilitation Service for Isolated Areas

Remote Rehabilitation Service for Isolated Areas

Remote Rehabilitation Service for Isolated Areas

Remote rehabilitation service for isolated areas (ROSIA) project aims to develop a model of care that is organised around self-management.

Official launch of ROSIA, “Remote rehabilitation service for isolated areas “, a project funded from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101017606, coordinated by IACS

ONLINE, 18-19 January 2021 The launch of ROSIA project “Remote rehabilitation service for isolated areas” was officially marked this week at a kick-off event held online. This project represents 12 partners across 5 countries, and it is funded by the EU with an amount of EUR 5,5 million.

ROSIA project will deliver a comprehensive service to patients in need of rehabilitation, enabled by edge technology, new care pathways and community support.

Chaired by Mrs Sandra García (Instituto Aragonés de Ciencias de la Salud, IACS), more than 30 participants shared their views about the significance of this project in improving the health and care systems in their respective regions. Sandra energised the Partners by stating that “we would be trailblazers as currently, there is no public health and care system that has implemented supported self-management rehabilitation on a large scale and facilitated by leading-edge technology. Our innovative approach to co-design and development of the integrated tele-rehabilitation care model and pathways will ensure ROSIA promotes equity in the provision of social and health care services throughout Europe.”

Health and care systems in Europe are facing the combined challenge of an increasing demand because of a rising burden of chronic conditions, and of limited resources. This situation is intensified in depopulated areas where there is often a high proportion of elderly people, and long distances to access some health and care services. Rehabilitation is a key component of care, treatment and support for many patients living with particular pathologies such as neurological, cardiac, and respiratory orthopaedic conditions. Patients often must travel to a specialist centre far from their homes in order to access rehabilitation services and this can be problematic for people, especially those with limited mobility, lack of their own or access to suitable transport, and informal carers. If a patient requires assistance with transport such as an ambulance, the inconvenience to the patient and their family is exacerbated with the result that some patients do not complete the rehabilitation programme and their recovery is suboptimal as they are unable to transition to the self-directed complementary exercise therapy that sustains the rehabilitation improvements.

The appearance of new disruptive technologies such as virtual and augmented reality, depth cameras, sensors, IoT, or artificial intelligence has allowed the development of devices and applications capable of accompanying people in their rehabilitation process, proposing exercises in gaming environments, supervising their execution, correcting, and motivating the patient. ROSIA seeks to take full advantage of these developments for the benefit of patients, enabling more patients to receive rehabilitation services and increase the rehabilitation period through the extensive use of these disruptive technologies together with the supervision and support of their care team members.

Mr Claus Flemming Nielsen, CEO of PPCN, explained that ROSIA will ensure each patient the privacy of their own data, while translating the valuable data into value-added knowledge to enhance shared decision-making, in an ethically, responsible, and safe environment.

ROSIA will initially focus on seven pathologies: Chronic spinal cord injury, acquired brain injury, pneumology, arthroplasty, cardio-vascular disease, hip fracture and COVID. Rehabilitation services are a core component of the care pathway, when these services are accompanied with moderate exercise, the care and experience outcomes are increased alongside improvements in patients’ quality and life expectancy.

ROSIA plans to create a catalogue of technology-based products and solutions that can be recommended for the targeted conditions. Currently there are many innovative digital solutions that have not yet reached the market because there are no efficient ways to enable the commercialization of such products. This catalogue will be one of the components of the ROSIA ecosystem and it works in two ways: it will make available high-tech innovations with positive clinical evidence and impact to patients and will open opportunities to the European industry to develop a GoToMarket strategy.

Professor Aine Carrol (NRH, Ireland) stressed that technology is not enough; you have to understand the needs of people and the complexity of the health and care systems in order to design and develop solutions that can be effective and able to be scaled-up. This is the reason why the ROSIA project has four key work areas: integrated model of care to provide care continuity for patients, high-tech telerehabilitation devices and services, improved patient experience and sustainable business modelling.

ROSIA addresses a need not currently covered by existing solutions, with the aim of a future scale up and therefore it uses a Pre-Commercial Procurement (PCP) approach. This sort of project establishes and guides a research and development competition between 5 selected suppliers along 3 phases, with the last one consisting of the two finalists who will validate in real life the comprehensive, integrated solution.

The three public administrations investing in the development of the solution by industry and the validation are: Aragón (Salud) in Spain, Centro Hospitalar e Universitário de Coimbra in Portugal, and the National Rehabilitation Hospital in Ireland. The project is coordinated by IACS and supported by another eight entities with complementary profiles: VALDE (Spain), Instituto Pedro Nunes (Portugal), The International Foundation for Integrated Care (The Netherlands), The Decision Group (The Netherlands), Instituto para la Experiencia del Paciente (Spain), Aps (Denmark) and the Municipalities of Penela and Soure (Portugal).

Mr Alexandre Lourenço (CHUC) drew the attention to the fact that “the telerehabilitation model and digital solution designed, developed and tested in ROSIA should provide the basis for many more people living with Chronic conditions to receive rehabilitation services in the future.

ROSIA has a planned duration of 54 months, starting from 1st January 2021 until August 2025. For further information please contact:

Alicia Feliciano
Press Officer